USAID MEDIA: Increasing Accountability through Independent …
USAID MEDIA supports journalists reporting on issues relevant to marginalized groups like social and religious minorities so that diverse voices are represented in public discourse. The activity increases the ability of media and civil society organizations (CSOs) working on transparency and accountability to improve citizen engagement with ...
USAID MEDIA works with local CSOs to strengthen independent media in Indonesia. To date, the activity has: Trained 1,200 journalists in data journalism and citizen journalism, leading to the publication of 800 pieces of content, including 120 impactful data journalism pieces and 50 pieces promoting diversity and inclusion;
USAID MEDIA increases the ability of media and CSOs working on transparency and accountability to increase citizen engagement with high-quality, evidence-based coverage about issues of substantial public interest.
USAID MEDIA: Meningkatkan Akuntabilitas Melalui Media …
USAID MEDIA bermitra dengan organisasi media lokal berikut ini: Asosiasi Jurnalis Independen (AJI), LSM dengan lebih dari 2.000 anggota di seluruh Indonesia negeri yang mempromosikan media independen, kebebasan pers, dan jurnalisme berkualitas.
Supporting Vibrant Civil Society, Labor and Independent Media
Media. USAID supports programs in more than 30 countries to strengthen journalistic professionalism, establish media management skills, and promote free and independent media.
Increasing Accountability through Independent Media
USAID MEDIA aims to increase the ability of media and CSOs working on transparency and accountability to increase citizen engagement with (and access to) high-quality, evidence-based coverage about issues of substantial public interest.
USAID media assistance was effective in promoting and strengthening independent media. Although many media interventions suffered from design and implementation problems, USAID media programs as a whole succeeded in promoting and strengthening independent media in recipient nations. They helped establish independent media
FACT SHEET: Balkan Media Assistance Program - U.S. Agency for ...
USAID's Balkan Media Assistance Program is strengthening independent media in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia. Press freedom is under threat in the Balkans.
Central Asia Media Program | Fact Sheet | Central Asia Regional ...
The USAID-funded Central Asia Media Program aims to develop a more balanced information environment in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan to increase openness among youth and adults for differing ideas, opinions, and perspectives …
New USAID Media Project | Archive - U.S. Agency for International ...
More than 100 stories will be published on a new internet media outlet that will be initiated to promote independent and investigative journalism. The project will also hold 20 discussion groups and workshops for journalists and civil society organizations on covering topics of public interest.