LA: My guest is Naïka, a French-Haitian singer-songwriter who has a debut album out this year. Her influences are global. She ...
Did early humans have rules for how words could be strung together? What impact did this have on their brains and behaviour?
Poetry is a vessel for greater understanding in the same way that a voice is a vessel for language,” Price said.
Prominent Universities across the world continue to offer their students the option of doing Greek Studies, as it remains a ...
The tropics are celebrated as hotspots of biological diversity and renowned as supply houses for food, fiber and pharmacies.
Writing lets us trace language back about 5,000 years, but the spoken words is over a million years old. Psychology, biology ...
In a curious turn of events, Sweden has chosen KAJ, a comedy group from Finland, as its representative for the 2025 ...
It is a deep question, from deep in our history: when did human language as we know it emerge? A new survey of genomic ...
For China, Sinicizing Tibet’s next generation through boarding schools is the ultimate strategy for solidifying its control ...
After all, what is our shared culture if not the mix of cultures — including languages — that make and remake America every ...
After fifty years in culture work, Proschan has gifted his research as a folklorist and anthropologist to the Ralph Rinzler ...
The Reading Agency is inviting the people of Bradford to join a mass ‘read-in’ on the run up to World Book Night on Wednesday April 23, with one thousand Quick Read books handed out to the public for ...