Using a variety of analogy puzzles, SFI researchers have shown that the reasoning abilities of OpenAI’s GPT-4 model fall ...
Lynne KieslingDirector of the Institute for Regulatory Law & Economics, and Faculty Fellow, at Northwestern University, and Author of "The Essential Ronald Coase" ...
Size distributions in some ecosystems follow a power (Zipf-)law behavior spanning up to two ten decades. A model for the origins of this scaling behavior is presented. The model shows that the ...
In a recent study in Physical Review Letters, SFI Complexity Postdoctoral Fellow Aanjaneya Kumar and colleagues show that the ...
This paper provides a logical framework for complexity economics. Complexity economics builds from the proposition that the economy is not necessarily in equilibrium: economic agents (firms, consumers ...
A coordination of vehicle flows is usually reached by a cyclical operation of traffic lights, and by synchronizing these cycles. The typical conditions, however, for which traffic lights are normally ...
The Dvorak keyboard has been claimed to be greatly superior to the standard typwriter keyboard. However, none of the earlier research on the relative merits of the two keyboards provided unconfounded ...
The Santa Fe Institute is an independent, nonprofit research and education center that leads global research in complexity science. SFI scientists seek the shared patterns and regularities across ...
Societies today face daunting challenges: population growth, rapid urbanization, ecological and environmental disturbances, and an unpredictable global marketplace. To address these complex and ...
Polygyny is thought to be more prevalent where male wealth inequality is greater; however, the decline of polygyny in most of the world occurred with the emergence of capital-intensive farming with ...
Themes are institute-wide research topics that draw together large networks of researchers from the extended SFI network and beyond. Over the course of several years, researchers rigorously engage ...