A total of 128,700 people permanently left the Pacific nation of 5.3 million in 2024, provisionally the largest exodus on ...
With his return after a three-month suspension from party posts due to an extramarital affair, the DPP hopes to move beyond ...
The budget’s approval in the Lower House has long been seen as an indispensable requirement for the survival of the Ishiba ...
Beijing condemned the move and swiftly retaliated, saying it would impose 10% and 15% levies on a range of agricultural ...
Despite local aspirations to own EVs, they are still beyond the reach of many, and access to a reliable source of electricity ...
The 60,000-square-meter Grand Ring has the largest building area on record for a wooden structure, according to Guinness ...
The long-standing slogan of 7-Eleven in Japan for many years was chikakute benri, meaning "close and convenient.” It neatly ...
Atomic bombs are the 'devil's weapons' that rob people of their future,' said Jiro Hamasumi, assistant secretary-general of ...
White smoke billowed from a forested area around the city of Ofunato, Iwate Prefecture, six days after the blaze began amid ...
Supporters of Trump’s policy argue that China is the bigger threat and the U.S. should steer Moscow away from Beijing.
Lithuania's controversial move comes at a time of heightened tensions in international relations over its neighbor Russia's ...
Issues such as harassment prevention and a lack of promotion to senior positions remain significant hurdles for women wanting ...