Judge Kevin Carter was removed from his post as Western New York's chief administrative judge with no explanation from state officials.
OTB boss Byron Brown speaks to reporters at Batavia Downs. Photo by Garrett Looker. After years of scandal and critical audits, the governing board of the Western Regional Off-Track Betting Corp. has ...
The horse racing industry in New York is kaput, yet the state keeps subsidizing the sport. Here’s a strange – and indefensible – subsidy. Government handouts to keep the failing horse racing industry ...
ICE routinely subjects detainees at its Batavia facility to solitary confinement, often at levels that meet the definition of ...
Jim Heaney is editor and executive director of Investigative Post. He was an investigative reporter with The Buffalo News from 1986 to 2011 and a reporter and editor with The Orlando Sentinel from ...
Recent federal audits of the ICE detention facility in Batavia have documented instances of inhumane treatment of detainees by guards. The audits, conducted in 2023 and last year, found instances of ...
Tesla has finally met its job goals at its billion dollar plant in South Buffalo. The state had extended Tesla’s deadline twice. The third time was a charm, and in this case, a way of dodging a $41.2 ...
ICE officials have told local school superintendents they have no plans to raid schools in search of undocumented students. Still, Buffalo school administrators said that, while they feel somewhat ...
Erie County is suing a member of a now largely inactive local right-wing militant organization for “deceptive and illegal business practices.” The lawsuit, filed last week by the Erie County Attorney, ...
The state attorney general over the past four years has investigated 10 Buffalo police officers repeatedly accused of misconduct. The investigations found “no pattern” of misconduct by six of those ...