So, it’s a murky world. The unknowns are legion. Facts are scarce. But two overriding things stand out for all Canadians. First, if you’re unsure about what to do, best to do nothing. The odds of ...
Trump is bad for Canada. Like, really awful. Supporting him means hurting your country. Hopefully you understand that. This is not about punishing Trudeau (he’s leaving next month) or the Libs (an ...
Rates will fall tomorrow, everybody says. Another quarter point. After that, it’s a black hole of doubt. Mortgages at 4% have revived the resale market somewhat, but people who worry that Canada has ...
Lion’s Gate Bridge. Wish me luck. I’ll be in BC in a couple of days, land of the Giant Mistake, where they still believe granite countertops and glass sinks can buy you love. Or at least respect. Or ...
It seems FIRE is a Millennial creation, inspired by a book (“ Your Money or Your Life ” by Vicki Robin & Joe Dominguez) ...
As the explosive growth of the ETF industry continues, we’ve seen a predictable development: greater and greater ETF specialization. As The New York Times put it recently, the ETF industry is carving ...
News you can use (as opposed to what you hear on Global): Mortgages dip. No, it is not because of the recent and knuckleheaded move by the Bank of Canada to nip its trendsetting rate by a quarter ...
Say the words “hedge fund” and an impression is evoked of ultra-sophisticated investment products available only to the most well-heeled investors which virtually always achieve stellar market returns ...
If you let it, the gloom will immobilize you. One lesson my financial years have taught me is that analysis becomes paralysis. And, later, regret. There are things in life you can change. Even the big ...
“Canada now has the strongest economy in the G7. Last month, more than 100,000 new jobs were created – the biggest one-month gain ever. We’re going to get through this together. Our election ...
Regular people worry about their kids, spouse, job, house and meeting the bills. More or less in that order. Weird people worry about the World Economic Forum. Lately, the WEFers seem to be gaining on ...