Ash Wednesday marks the start of the 40-day season of Lent in the church calendar and Connection Christian Church marked the ...
Other historians say around the the year 1000, a priest named Aelfric said members of the church should put ashes upon their ...
The Lenten Season has officially begun, as millions across the world celebrate Ash Wednesday. Here in Terre Haute, people ...
Fat Tuesday - or Mardi Gras - is followed by Ash Wednesday to kick off the start of Lent. Here's what to know about fish ...
Mardi Gras season is bookended by two days on the Christian calendar. The season starts on Euphony, which marks the end of the Christmas season and the beginning of ...
At St. Columba Cathedral, Bishop David Gonnar led the service where dozens of people gathered for mass. Those who participate ...
The Catholic Church opened the solemn Lenten season leading to Easter on Wednesday without the participation of Pope Francis, who is in the third week of hospital treatment for double pneumonia. (AP V ...
Big week for Catholicism if you already didn’t know. I would say one of the most underrated weeks for a Catholic school kid.
Members of the Rome Fire Department joined Catholics across Central New York and worldwide to celebrate Ash Wednesday. The Very Rev. Sean P. O’Brien of St. Peter’s Church ...
For Christians, the death and resurrection of Jesus is a pivotal event commemorated each year during a season of preparation called Lent and a season of celebration called Easter. The day that begins ...
Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, Christianity's 40-day season of prayer and fasting leading up to Jesus ...
Roman Catholic, Episcopal and many other liturgical churches hold services today that include the rubbing of ashes on the forehead, a sign of repentance for sins. Lent is a season of 40 days, not ...