The Army National Guard is a reserve component of the United States Army. It falls under the National Guard Bureau, whic ...
Everyone joining the military goes through some sort of “boot camp” or “basic training”, which is the initial training t ...
Lt. Col. Jerry Drew is the first instructor at the Command and General Staff College to receive the Master Army Instructor ...
U.S. Soldiers from the 1st Battalion, 6th Field Artillery Regiment, 41st Field Artillery Brigade recently participated in ...
The Army has reversed its decision to halt travel funding that enabled potential recruits to take the military entrance exam ...
Following those implementations, the USAF Academy did see a drop in sexual assaults, falling from 22.3 percent of women in ...
The Catholic Church in Mexico expressed its “profound indignation and grief” following the discovery of an organized crime ...
During Monday night’s meeting, the Marshalltown city council heard a quarterly update from Marshalltown Police and Community ...
The program launched this spring with 18 students. It's being led by Marty Lenss, director of the Eastern Iowa Airport in ...