Smart motorway radar detection systems have failed to keep divers safe due to outages, new findings reveal. There are calls ...
New road signs in Co. Mayo may confuse German tourists who visit the county, according to Independent Ireland councillor, ...
House Bill 111 would increase penalties for speeding 30 mph above the speed limit by $200 to reduce the amount of high-speed crashes.
The Faith Board of Aldermen have received the draft of an ordinance allowing golf carts to be driven on public roads and voted to set a public hearing for the ordinance for before the next board ...
Angela Shannon criticizes Caltrans’ safety measures and questions their effectiveness in controlling speed limits.
Researchers at the University of California, Irvine say they’ve demonstrated that multicolored stickers applied to stop or ...
A motion by Commissioner Robert McCann to refund $100 citations was changed to terminate the speed detecting program entirely ...
The Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure wants drivers to slow down on part of Whites Creek Pike, specifically from from West Nocturne Drive to West Trinity Lane. Metro ...
Saratoga Springs might be the next Capital Region city to slash its speed limit. If you’re driving through the Spa City later ...
QUESTION: McWhorter Park in the Pine Tree area off Loop 281 — the speed limit there is 40 mph. This is where all the baseball ...
Walton County and law enforcement continue to crack down on LSV safety violations. They say they want to make sure everyone, from residents to visitors, knows ...
A new state allows municipalities to give a lot more weight to pedestrian and bike safety in setting speed limits on local ...