But there is one iconic Phase 1 casting choice that we wish we could have seen played out further in the franchise: Edward ...
Baltimore City Public Schools seeks to name parts of a high school and the school district’s central art gallery after Black ...
The state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education is seeking feedback on a slate of mandatory courses for next year’s graduates: two years of high school English language arts; algebra I and ...
The South Florida Water Management District reported overall nesting down although snowy egrets, South Florida's dominant ...
The Bombay High Court has upheld the suspension of a Dalit PhD student from the Tata Institute of Social Science (TISS) for ...
Court dismisses student’s plea, citing participation in politically-motivated protest as bringing disrepute to the institute ...
Mumbai, The Bombay High Court has refused any relief to a Dalit PhD student suspended by the Tata Institute of Social Science for alleged anti-national activities, noting that TISS felt his ...
An hours-long outage Wednesday on StudentAid.gov, the federal website for student loans and financial aid, underscored the ...
Anne Arundel County eclipsed 600,000 residents in 2024, with a slight year-over-year population increase driven by births.
In the wake of the Trump administration’s funding freezes and job cuts, some researchers are planning their next move.
A well-timed atmospheric river dropped enough snow on Greenland for its ice sheet to lose 8% less mass than expected.
U.S. distributors and other buyers are being offered access to seven European documentaries screening at CPH:DOX.