This documentary reveals how Native American individuals and societies have influenced contemporary culture in fashion, sports, government and environmentalism.
A teenager from North Carolina says her pride in her Native American culture helped inspire the research that was just ...
Poetry is a vessel for greater understanding in the same way that a voice is a vessel for language,” Price said.
Leanna Goose grew up ricing manoomin (wild rice) as a member of the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe.  “Wild rice is culturally ...
The three young women all hold leadership positions for Wunk Sheek, a UW–Madison campus organization founded in 1968 that ...
I n June of 1970, amid the snow-covered rock ramparts of Denali (the true name of North America’s highest peak), six women took their first steps in a historic feat. Led by Alas ...
Mary Smith is Immediate Past President of the American Bar Association and was the first Native American woman to serve as ABA President in the Association's almost 150-year history. Mary is an ...