An ambitious and bold project looks to help desertification in Africa and to combat African nations from being swallowed up ...
Several countries in the Greater Horn of Africa are experiencing scorching temperatures of up to 40 degrees Celsius, as ...
Ethiopia is currently undergoing a transformative period that positions it as a key player in the Horn of Africa, capitalizing on its diplomatic capacity and ...
The Horn of Africa is expected to be warmer than usual between March and May, the Climate Prediction and Applications Center ...
ICPAC data indicate that torrential rains could occur in southern Tanzania and parts of southwestern Uganda in March, leading ...
The Horn of Africa has some 26.3 million people living either as refugees or Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), the United ...
Portraying China’s presence in Africa with flags on maps can distort African states’ sovereignty and their power to make ...
With an economy that is growing consistently by more than six percent every year, the vital importance of access to the sea for Ethiopia cannot be overemphasized. The outlet that Ethiopia currently ...