An extended review of John Holloway's book Hope in Hopeless Times. From Anarcho-Syndicalist Review, 91 (Winter 2025).
Straight Talk on Trade is the latest book in Dani Rodrik’s globalization series. The first—Has Globalization Gone Too Far?—raised concerns about social cohesion when large groups of people are left ...
The following is a book excerpt. As a sixth grader in Houston ... allowed Bezos to capture an outsized share of the gains from globalization, amassing a personal fortune exceeding $200 billion ...
“Capitalism is the economic soulmate of democracy, equally fair and flawed,” he establishes early in the book. “With the partial exception of tiny Singapore, no wealthy, developed economy is ...
The great strength of Livesey’s book is to make us look more closely and intelligently at the underlying drivers of globalization. Whether more or less of it, there will surely be a different kind of ...
Bradley, S. P., J. A. Hausman, and R. L. Nolan, eds. Globalization, Technology, and Competition: The Fusion of Computers and Telecommunications in the 1990s. Boston ...
“This book challenges the earlier view that modernization will automatically liberate women, and that religious influence is the main force holding back gender equity,” she said. “Instead, I show that ...
Jones, Geoffrey, and Andrea Lluch, eds. The Impact of Globalization on Argentina and Chile: Business Enterprises and Entrepreneurship. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar ...
democracy and globalization. On March 6, 2–3:30 p.m., Brysk will discuss her research at a book launch in the UCen Lobero Room, in a conversation moderated by sociology professor Cate Taylor.