But real lightning would have struck infrequently—and mostly in open ocean, where organic compounds would have quickly ...
We may be starting to get a grasp on what kick-started life on Earth – and it could help us search for it on other planets ...
Bounding in theaters on March 14, 2025, after several delays as the first fully-animated Looney Tunes movie in Warner Bros.
An analysis of changes to global ecosystems has revealed that almost nowhere is untouched by the influence of humanity, with ...
Life may not have begun with a dramatic lightning strike into the ocean but from many smaller "microlightning" exchanges ...
NASA will wait at least another two days to launch its next space station crew, delaying the return of Starliner astronauts ...
The four exoplanets orbit Barnard’s Star so closely that their years last only a few Earth days. They are probably rocky and, ...
About 252 million years ago, 80 to 90 percent of life on Earth was wiped out. In the Turpan-Hami Basin, life persisted and ...
Not only do these Looney Tunes stalwarts have to save their family home, but thanks to a plot hatched by extraterrestrials, ...
Carrboro combines Earth Day and Open Streets with a car-free event offering eco-friendly activities, music, and food on April ...