A gene regulating testosterone in ruffs produces three male morphs with unique behaviors, offering insights into vertebrate biology and potential human therapeutic applications. A single gene regulati ...
Some mornings, waking up might feel like interrupting a vivid alternate universe. You open your eyes to reality, but the ...
Vasya Tremsin, a (then) high school senior from the San Francisco Bay Area, came up with a crazy idea for a science fair ...
If you want to make someone wild about you, you have to start by getting into their head. Most of the time, people like ...
A single gene that regulates testosterone levels in a "crazy" species of shore bird controls the development of three wildly ...
President Donald Trump signed an executive order halting new federal leases for offshore wind projects. He cited the impact ...
In videos that recently went viral, the ants — called longhorn crazy ants (Paratrechina longicornis ... a professor at the ...
Our weekly roundup of the latest science in the news, as well as a few fascinating articles to keep you entertained over the ...
When scientists constructed a puzzle-solving task and pitted teams of people against teams of ants, the insects sometimes proved to be the smarter species. That’s not to denigrate human ...
Masa first encountered Steve Jobs in the mid-1980s at the annual Comdex trade fair in Las Vegas. Sometime in the summer of ...
"It was crazy how much of the sky got lit up. That was kind of amazing to me." Eight-year-old Rowan Parish declared the launch "pretty cool." He commented on the great amount of exhaust left ...