The Village People’s status as one of the favorite ... “I ask that you no longer use any of my music at your rallies especially ‘YMCA’ and ‘Macho Man,’” he wrote.
Willis sent a cease and desist letter to Jeffries after the comedian's claims about the song. By Rania Aniftos Village People frontman Victor Willis is clearing the air after he sent a cease and ...
Music, Movies, and Mania Under the Disco Ball," gay writer Frank DeCaro shares a stunning portrait of the cultural phenomenon ...
PGS Entertainment has signed a distribution agreement that will see El Reino Infantil oversee and manage a Spanish-language Mini Smiley channel.
And then there is the Village People, whose lead singer Victor Willis has been trying to stop people from calling their hit song YMCA a gay anthem. “We know this won’t make some of you happy ...
Several hundred people attended the Cultural Fair on Sunday, Feb. 23 at the North Suburban YMCA in Northbrook. The free ...
who wore a candy-apple-red dress with a matching Chanel bag for the occasion—the hosts played “YMCA,” signaling the beginning of the party. The Village People song, a Trump rally staple ...
Also, a potential awardee is Justin Quiles who called Trump the “most honest president we ever had.” (He obviously never did ...
Mike Brown and Shelly Markle met at church in 1980, fell in love and had a child, but never married until last week, on Valentine's Day, after she was diagnosed with terminal ovarian cancer and put ...