Alexander Stubb suggests that if Russia were to attack Ukraine after a ceasefire, the country could automatically become a ...
Finland and Denmark want to increase the countries' defence cooperation, according to Finnish Defence Minister Antti Häkkänen ...
Juhani Sebastian Lämsä, who has a history of neo-Nazi and far-right activity, attacked two children of foreign background at ...
If it goes ahead, the two-day walkout by workers at retailers such as Ikea, Gigantti, Normal and Motonet will begin at 5am on ...
Packing firm Dava Foods Finland has announced the withdrawal of more batches of eggs due to a risk of salmonella ...
Tickets for the event — A Conversation with President Barack Obama — went on sale on Monday, with prices starting at just ...
Pekka Kataja said he is waiting for the party's local chapter in the town of Jämsä to decide on his candidacy in the upcoming ...
The chancellor of the University of Helsinki told a newspaper last month that US authorities had pressured the university to ...
Finland's year-on-year change in consumer prices stood at 1.5 percent last month, according to the latest figures published ...
Lapland tourism is good for business, but bad for the climate. Finland's news agenda on Monday is dominated by Ukraine ...
Prime Minister Petteri Orpo (NCP) on Sunday said Finland can still rely on the United States as an ally, affirming Finland's ...
The wholesale price of more than 800 Kela-reimbursed medications dropped by 1.5 percent as part of the government's ...