The course gives a comprehensive overview over modern Natural Language Processing (NLP) with main emphasis on probabilistic and machine learning techniques. Methodology for experiments based on ...
STK2100 gir innføring i ulike metoder for styrt læring (regresjon og klassifikasjon). Emnet inneholder både modell- og algoritme-baserte tilnærminger. Hovedvekten vil være på styrt læring, men også ...
Applied ethics deals with specific moral problems of fundamental importance for today’s individual and society. This branch of ethics covers areas such as animal rights, medical ethics, environmental ...
This course gives an introduction to quantum mechanics, which describes the physics of systems at small scales where experimental behavior cannot be explained by classical mechanics. You will learn ...
Network and communications security is an important part of information security: a large portion of IT-related attacks are performed either using network connections or are directed at network ...
The techniques presented have for several years been used in design of real time systems and other distributed systems. We concentrate on systems of interacting actors and model such systems in UML.
Quantum computing (QC) is a cross-disciplinary area that draws from quantum physics, computer science and mathematics. Recent advances in building quantum computers are bringing QC from a purely ...
Studenter som dokumenterer gyldig fravær fra ordinær eksamen, kan ta utsatt eksamen i starten av neste semester. Det tilbys ikke ny eksamen til studenter som har trukket seg under ordinær eksamen, ...
Dette emnet gir øvelse i forskningsorientert oppgaveskriving. Det konkrete sluttresultatet er en BA-oppgave på cirka 10 sider. Opplegget tar utgangspunkt i et overordnet forskningstema som er bestemt ...
The course gives a broad introduction to radioactivity and the application of radioactivity. It is for anyone wanting to know what radioactivity and ionizing radiation are and how it can be used. The ...
Dersom du har gjennomført og fått godkjent obligatorisk undervisning, har du ikke krav på ny undervisning. Dersom du har fått undervisningsopptak til emnet, men ikke har gjennomført eller fått ...
What happens when democratic principles and the rule of law is challenged and legal systems begin to produce injustice and human rights violations on a grand scale? How do judges and bureaucrats react ...