January 17, 2025: This year Germany is increasing the number of divisions in its 180,000 strong army from three to four divisions without increasing the size of the army. Germany also has 30,000 army ...
January 17, 2025: As of early 2025 Ukraine has seven Patriot batteries and NATO nations have assured Ukraine that additional supplies of missiles will arrive as quickly as they can be taken from ...
Iran and China work together to ensure that Chinese ships use the Red Sea route without being attacked. This immunity is obvious and the United States has increased its sanctions to include Chinese ...
At the direction of the Chief of Staff Army and the Commander, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), the TRADOC Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence (ODCSINT) has studied ...
The PLA Aviation Corps Table of Organization Revision 3.1 ...
The 3rd Military Police Company and Provost Marshal Special Staff, comprised of 210 officers, noncommissioned officers (NCOs), and soldiers, expended a Herculean effort to support the Third Infantry ...
The ability of the Third Infantry Division (Mechanized) (3ID (M)) to mass joint fires on the battlefield contributed largely to its success in Operation IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF). From the initial ...
Estimates of the number of men engaged at Gettysburg vary widely. Figures for the strength of the Army of Northern Virginia range from a low of about 65,000 men of all arms to a high of about 75,000, ...
January 16, 2025: Islamic terrorism is more of a threat to Moslems than anyone else, including the United States and Israel. The zealots leading these Islamic terrorist groups expect to die and kill a ...