While Sea of Thieves’ anniversary isn’t technically until March 20th, who’s stopping us from starting the celebrations early? Between March 6th and March 16th, we’re inviting you to reminisce over ...
Season 15 is all about exploring the wilder side of life on the Sea of Thieves, and who better to lead the charge than The Hunter’s Call? This Trading Company, first introduced with our original ...
Antes da chegada da Temporada 15, um evento novo no horizonte vai oferecer uma Jornada de tempo limitado: Um Ataque a uma Fortaleza Sombria. Nesse Evento que vai acontecer de 14 a 20 de fevereiro, ...
Eine neue Saison beginnt und beinhaltet ganz neue Gefahren, packende Entdeckungen und haufenweise Piratenbeute! Die Saison 15 startet am 20. Februar und bietet eine Fülle an neuen Funktionen, die den ...
February is shaping up to be a month full of adventure, treasure and a whole new Season’s delights for pirates of the Sea of Thieves, so let’s take a dive into this month’s calendar! Dark Fortress ...
It’s just about time for Season 14 to don its chest disguise and waddle off towards the sunset in suitably comical fashion. But before it sets about clambering into its wooden outfit and going on its ...
Our Year in Review page has now closed. Thank you to everyone who sailed the Sea of Thieves in 2019 – we hope you enjoyed finding out your statistics and embarking on all the adventures that went with ...
The Gold Hoarders, Order of Souls, Merchant Alliance and Athena’s Fortune Trading Companies are making their presence felt by allowing you to pledge a one-off fee and become an Emissary, sailing in ...
As shared in our recent Season 14 update, the team disabled a number of features in order to protect players from high-impact issues and for the team to work on improving the quality bar. With this ...
The Sloop, Brigantine and Galleon have all received a set of speed changes, balancing each ship type and placing more emphasis on ship direction and sail management during naval encounters. In a ...