NTU SHIELD is a psychological coaching service for young learners, helping them navigate the challenges of adolescence and its impact on academic achievement and well-being. The service is run by NTU ...
The Academic Engagement Team: Open Research work at the heart of NTU’s research communities, at a School, Research Centre and institutional level to shape and champion Open Research at NTU. For our ...
Michael is the director of the Centre of the Built Environment. He provides academic leadership in mentoring new researchers and PhD students. Michael has supervised dissertations and PhDs in real ...
Zhongmin is an Associate Professor in Economics. His research areas are Labour Economics, China Economy, and Applied Econometrics. Zhongmin’s teaching responsibilities include supervising ...
Yvonne is Head of Department, Human Resource Management, and has a School wide role as Head of International Affairs. Yvonne completed her Doctoral Studies in 2002 when she researched the impact of ...
Come along to this event to meet the course team and find out whether Health and Allied Professions apprentices can form part of your workforce plan and whether you can employ trainees in ...
Contact for Art and Design; Built Environment.
Please fill in your details below to book onto the event.
Professor Kent, is Professor of Fashion Marketing at NTU. Professor Kent completed a PhD from the University of the Arts London for his research into the locational contexts of fashion retail stores, ...
Nottingham Trent University (NTU) has introduced Climate Fresk, an interactive climate education workshop, across its staff and student community. The Nottingham School of Art & Design serve as a key ...
“Caminante no hay camino se hace camino al andar”. In this lecture, Professor Alexander Sumich will take you on a journey from middle earth to the unknown, through body and mind. From understanding ...
As a result [of my project], my ongoing role within the research group is to advocate for Open Research, model different approaches and support colleagues as they plan and implement ethical Open ...