Missense mutations that derail SORL1 trafficking cause AD. Other variants shift AD risk in East Asians and Europeans. SORL1 dysfunction messes with endosomes in neurons, and with lysosomes in ...
Butovsky believes xenon has potential as an AD treatment. A Phase 1 clinical trial of xenon at BWH is recruiting healthy elderly volunteers to test safety and effects on immune cells. “I hope this ...
Atlas Overview. A survey of regulatory RNA used two cohorts (A), six brain regions (B), and four AD traits (D) to examine four types of RNA (C), turning up more than 25,000 differences between AD and ...
Some researchers believe the brain makes Aβ to help fight bacterial and fungal invaders. Now comes evidence that p-tau may take on a similar role against viruses. In the January 2 Cell Reports, ...
Mutations in NPC1 cause Niemann-Pick Type C. Mice lacking NPC1 only in microglia have rampant neuroinflammation and impaired ...
Some drugs can activate AMPK, most prominently metformin, which is approved for diabetes and being trialed in dementia. Less well-known is aldometanib, developed by Lin’s team, which blocks aldolase, ...
A growing body of work implicates infections as a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease. In the December 19 Alzheimer’s & Dementia, scientists led by Benjamin Readhead at Arizona State University, Tempe ...