A cookie is a text file placed on the hard drive of your terminal (computer, smart phone, tablet, etc.) by the website. It aims to make browsing more fluid and to offer you content and services ...
The four Belgian military personnel who were still working in Niger returned home in December. Brussels had maintained a ...
A long-time militant of Eritrean People's Liberation Front has been named ambassador to Ethiopia and permanent representative to the Organization of African Unity. Girma Asmerom Tesfay replaces Haile ...
The new Djibouti ambassador to Ethiopia, Dileita Mohamed Dileita, recently presented his Letters of Credence to the Ethiopian head of state. Born in Tadjurah on March 12, 1958, he went to high school ...
Kenya's former secretary to the government and head of the Kenyan civil service (until unexpectedly replaced by Dr. Richard Leakey in July) took up his new functions this week as Kenyan permanent ...
The chairman of Southern Ethiopia Peoples' Democratic Coalition (SEPDC) and National Democratic Coalition (NDC) was elected chairman of the conference for peace and reconciliation in Ethiopia, held in ...
The leaders of the ruling Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) who are faithful to Prime Minister Meles Zenawi are seeking to use the same legal weapon against the party's current dissidents that ...
The former diplomat and education ministry official Benjamin Kipkulei has been appointed by president Daniel arap Moi to be permanent secretary to the finance ministry. He takes over from Karuga ...
The government has given a green light to a move by Sonangol and the U.S. drilling contractor Global Marine to set up a joint venture named Empresa Servicos Sondagems Angola (ESSA). As Sonangol's ...
French companies working in the defence sector approached Mohammed Badaru Abubakar when he came to Paris in November as part ...
A handful of French military veterans, ex-employees of the private security company EPEE, provided training to around 20 ...