A famous anecdote describes a scheme the British Colonial Government implemented in India in an attempt to control the population of venomous cobras that were plaguing the citizens of Delhi that ...
“If the present trends in world population, industrialization, pollution, food production, and resource depletion continue unchanged, the limits to growth on this planet will be reached sometime ...
Coconuts offer a wide array of uses from agriculture, energy, construction to medicine. Though research on the fruit is still in its infancy, the versatile palm has been sustaining communities for ...
Rice has long been Thailand’s traditional food crop and the country’s main export product. Though declining in relative importance, it still occupies about 55% of the total arable land . Over 80% of ...
Every minute, an estimated 20 people are forcibly displaced due to conflict, persecution, or war. Of the 68.5 million forcibly displaced people worldwide, 25.4 million are refugees. Compounding the ...
To build greater understanding and awareness of traditional knowledge and inform action by indigenous peoples, local communities and policymakers, the United Nations University Institute for the ...
If the recent proclamations from various bodies, including the International Energy Agency, about our close proximity to the peak in world oil production are true, then Japan may be sitting on the ...
Extreme sea level events that used to occur once a century will strike every year on many coasts by 2050, no matter whether climate heating emissions are curbed or not, according to a landmark report ...
マーク・ノタラスは2009年~2012年まで国連大学メディアセンターのOur World 2.0 のライター兼編集者であり、また国連大学サステイナビリティと平和研究所(UNU-ISP)の研究員であった ...
“Fiddling while Rome burns” may seem a stale analogy, but when talking of “green growth” and “green economy” (GGE, for short), it is appropriate. Despite assertions to the contrary, the only thing ...
After the Korean War ended in 1952, both North and South Korea became post-war societies in urgent need of a functioning system of governance. Unfortunately, compared to agendas such as development ...
The debate around the merits of cap and trade has become intense of late, particularly in the United States around the Waxman-Markey legislation, better known as the American Clean Energy Act of 2009.