In the Nation’s Report Card, national scores for Catholic school students surpassed public school students for fourth- and ...
Berkley: Yearly exams are essential for helping students catch up and learn what they need to know to succeed in life ...
Suspension of Peggy Carr, a trusted federal official, could lead to suppression of data exposing racial disparities in K-12 schools.
Officials to decide Wednesday how to describe student performance on state tests. New plan moves away from using ...
Lobbyist Brittany Kinser has spent years working against Wisconsin’s public schools, and now she’s doubling down by ...
No matter what party line you follow or what your background is, we can all agree on a few simple principles: that every ...
Patricia Levesque is executive director of the Foundation for Florida’s Future.
Since 1998, Virginia has relied on its Standards of Learning (SOL) assessments to gauge proficiency in areas like reading and ...
Cuts to the Department of Education are hitting the highly valued Nation’s Report Card even as sirens blare on student test scores. The 12th grade National Assessment of Educational ...
Without urgent reforms, millions of students in the United States and Mexico will remain unprepared for the challenges of adulthood, Tressa Pankovits writes.
According to a recent educational-progress assessment test, in both reading and math, fourth and eighth-grade charter school ...
The most recent national report card on education showed Louisiana had made impressive gains. Those came as part of an ...