The rumors of Kathleen Kennedy's retirement plans have been greatly exaggerated, and she is staying with 'Star Wars' for a ...
Bryce Dallas Howard opened up about growing up alongside 'Star Wars' filmmaker George Lucas' kids — and getting to hang out ...
Full list of names mentioned so far includes President Trump, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, George Lucas, Cameron Diaz, and more ...
Exclusive: Boba Fett actor Daniel Logan shares what it was like to work with George Lucas during Star Wars: Episode II - ...
Attack of the Clones , young Boba watched as Jedi Master Mace Windu decapitated his father, Jango Fett, in the heat of battle ...
George Lucas butted heads with Steven Spielberg on the fourth Indiana Jones movie the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Lucas ...
Star Wars' movies has George Lucas directed? The answer is only two: 'THX 1138' and 'American Graffiti,' which came out in ...
The erotic thriller George Lucas had his name removed from was 1981's 'Body Heat,' which he produced as a favour to his buddy ...
On Friday, famed film director George Lucas and businesswoman Mellody Hobson, co-founders of the Lucas Museum of Narrative ...
Luke Skywalker actor Mark Hamill shares fascinating insight into George Lucas' original Star Wars plans in a recent interview ...
Legendary American filmmakers, George Lucas and Steven Spielberg showed no confidence in an anime film that has inspired ...
If you’re going to ruin my career on that part, you could’ve at least given me an opportunity in the Marvel series,’ said the ...