Know about the revolutionary therapies, personalised medicine and cancer treatments that are changing the game!
One million people are thought to be living with dementia in the UK with one in three of these undiagnosed but early action helps with care and treatment ...
Q: I could use some good news. What important medical breakthroughs happened last year? -- Frank J., Pasadena, California ...
“Non-diabetic hyperglycaemia, more commonly known as prediabetes, means that a person’s blood sugars are higher than usual, ...
It is the highest number on record and an increase from the 4.4 million reported last year. The charity also estimates that an additional 1.3 million people have undiagnosed type 2 diabetes, while ...
Lead exposure is particularly concerning among children under 6 years old, since their growing bodies absorb the metal faster ...
Nearly every disease has an inflammatory component, but blood tests can't pinpoint inflammation in specific organs or tissues in the human body. Now researchers have developed a method to detect ...