A new working paper from various university researchers suggests that age-verification laws aren't effective.
I n the new season of The Atlantic’s popular How To series, co-hosts Yasmin Tayag and Natalie Brennan explore the cultural ...
Dan Farah's film is full of U.S. officials who testify that we're being visited by alien spaceships. But does that mean it's ...
The play a reminder of what women's lives were like as 2nd-class citizens in an era that the current administration in DC ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — In President Donald Trump’s idealized framing, the United States was at its zenith in the 1890s, when top ...
Advanced radiocarbon dating has provided the most accurate age assessment yet for the “Lapedo Child,” one of the most ...
Politicians, military officials and scientists discuss non-human intelligence and when it will be time to tell the world the ...
New technologies are giving scientists a better understanding of how the process actually works. For many people, aging feels ...
When calculating your checks, the Social Security Administration first figures out the amount of your primary insurance ...
How many push-ups can you do — and how does that stack up with others your age? In a Thursday "FOX & Friends" segment, ...