The University of the Virgin Islands’ School of Agriculture is joining forces with H. Lavity Stoutt Community College to establish degree programs leading to bachelor of science degrees in ...
Learn how higher education can have a positive financial impact Aja McClanahan is an a personal finance writer whose 10-year-long financial writing career first took off after paying off over $ ...
Today, somewhere around 4 in 10 recent college graduates find themselves employed in roles that don’t need their degree. They just can’t find jobs relevant to what they studied, so they have ...
Lavity Stoutt Community College (HLSCC) from the British Virgin Islands as they formally launched a partnership agreement at the Great Hall on the University of the Virgin Islands Albert Sheen Campus.
A post-secondary degree is commonly seen as the best way to get ahead. But the cost of university and college is rising - and it’s rising faster than the salary you can earn with a degree.
Cited projections do not guarantee actual salary or job growth. While beginning your college path with an associate degree can provide career opportunities and a strong general education base, it's ...
As the presidential inauguration approaches, our country remains starkly divided, and one of the biggest fault lines lies between those who have a college degree and those who don’t.
This building, known today as Old College, initially housed everything: classrooms, offices, a dining hall and dormitories.
Most Americans, however, still believe that college is worthwhile: Pew Research Center found that 60 percent of American adults believe that a four-year degree is important for securing a well ...