In the absence of critical discourse on marriage-class-sexuality, patriarchal relations, i.e. kinship, to a man remain the primary option for accessing resources for women.
A coalition of Black women leaders and activists descended on Capitol Hill to rally against the Trump administration and the ...
A report tallies 400 allegations of harassment against 145 lawmakers over the past decade, including 11 new allegations last year. Due to underreporting, the actual figure is probably three times as ...
The G20 and other multilateral institutions profoundly affect African women’s lives, yet their voices remain marginalised in ...
Imagine you had a woke lunatic living in your attic. Someone who contributed nothing to the household — beyond barking ...
Carla Morrison, founder of Sisters of Today and Tomorrow (SOT), leads a community-driven event to reinforce political ...
Extracted with permission from Land Power, Michael Albertus, Profile Books/ Hachette India.
Jennifer Sey, former national gymnastics champion and Levi's exec, has become a fierce advocate for keeping women's athletics spaces for women only.