"The country wasn't ready for a Black woman president, and that's why so many on-the-fencers voted for Trump this time." ...
15."I was convinced that politicians truly cared about their constituents and wanted to make a positive change. However, over ...
Along with her new leadership role, Harris and fellow legislator Rep. Valerie Jones Giltner, a Georgetown Republican, were ...
TikTok users may have noticed a new trend on their most recent scroll — one that pits what people consider conservative and ...
It is unheard-of for a White House staffer to make such large contributions to support the boss' agenda. But there has never ...
Here's how that is determined For the People? Why Florida TV attorney John Morgan says he's creating a new political party ...
It is the oldest political movement in this country; we have faced every type of challenge that you can think about. We have withstood those challenges, and ...