Our semiweekly pickup game has seen several transformations. It started in 1975 as a faculty-student game at Guilford College, a small Quaker school in Greensboro, North Carolina. And we played in an ...
Language watchdog’s use of visible minorities as secret shoppers to determine language of greeting is flawed, it says.
ClariMed, Inc., the premier human-centered medical device development and regulatory services company, today announced the ...
New law, attorney tells the state Supreme Court, demands that Raymond Oyler’s murder convictions, death penalty be overturned ...
The conundrum of missing data vs. inter-rater variability.
The inclusion of DEXs and DeFi participants in the definition of "broker" has a number of significant corollary implications.
New law, attorney tells the state Supreme Court, demands that Raymond Oyler’s murder convictions, death penalty be overturned ...
Research indicates that salt substitutes reduce stroke recurrence and death risk, offering a safe dietary intervention for ...
The FDA has approved the first-ever clinical trials for pig kidney transplants in humans marking a breakthrough in tackling ...
Most young people are unaware of takeaway exclusion zones near schools, and policies limiting new outlets fail to address ...