Kyoto Prize winners came to San Diego for this year’s symposium. Kyoto Laureate John Pendry talked about the theory of ...
New camera techniques transform biological imaging In a nutshell Optimizing camera settings can provide better images of ...
A new "self-driving" microscope developed by UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers solves two fundamental challenges ...
UT Southwestern's innovative microscope integrates high and low-resolution imaging, facilitating advanced studies of cellular dynamics and disease processes.
The APS has combined its March Meeting and April Meeting into the Global Physics Summit, the largest physics conference in the world ...
This microscope can enhance up to 80x and has adjustable LED lights to get a clear view into a tiny world. And it's super ...
Currently, IPV is relatively expensive to produce because it requires high levels of bio-containment to minimise the risk of leaks of live poliovirus, which could result in outbreaks. VLPs are ...
Eye diseases often develop asymptomatically for many years. ICTER scientists have developed the f-ORG technique, which ...
University of Leeds researchers have taken a major step towards producing a more affordable and lower-risk polio vaccine ...
Newly achieved precise control over light emitted from incredibly tiny sources, a few nanometers in size, embedded in two-dimensional materials could lead to remarkably high-resolution monitors and ...
Researchers from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) have unveiled a planar optical device that ...
The college’s Visualizing Science competition finalists include the winning image of a Logistic Map’s Chaotic Portion by an ...