Verizon executive Sowmyanarayan Sampath and mental health expert Dr. Keneisha Sinclair-McBride revealed safe phone use tips ...
Even concerned parent Drew Barrymore supports HMD's vision for safe -- yet still cool -- Android phones for kids.
As districts and government officials nationwide consider curbing smartphones’ reach, new research has revealed teens miss at ...
The bill, by Sen. Danny Burgess, would start a pilot program in six districts to ban students from using cell phones on ...
A recent incident at a high school with a cellphone ban led to a lockdown, preventing parents from contacting their kids.
State Rep. Ellen Troxclair cited mental health issues related to social media as her motivation for filing the bill.
The New Hampshire House voted to ban cell phones from schools on Thursday, adding to the issue’s momentum in the state and ...
“The phone lives in the kitchen,” Tighe added ... said she wishes it was technologically easier to put limits on kids’ use. Enforcing the rules herself takes a lot of time, she added.
AI chatbots are raising some concerns as they're appearing in more kid-friendly apps. There's limited research on their ...