Confronting its Limitations, Failures and the Broken Promise of a ‘Year of Delivery’ The Kimberley Process Certification ...
The Ohio Ethics Commission recently issued Advisory Opinion No. 2025-01, clarifying that domestic partners are now considered "family members" ...
Most people see hackers as evil, but ethical hackers play a crucial role in uncovering vulnerabilities before they can be ...
Ethical efficiency stands as a critical pillar to ensure patients receive quality care without unnecessary waste or ...
However, Ohlhorst suggests that designing competent AI inherently involves designing virtuous AI. If virtues are understood ...
Celebrating Holi marks us into yet another astrological year, and it is imperative to match our personal and professional ...
Recent policy directives from the White House seek to compel actions that are contrary to widely accepted standards of ...
Short takes, outtakes, our takes and other stuff you should know about public information, government accountability and ...
When government employees in Pennsylvania leave their jobs, state law prohibits them from getting a contract with their ...
According to the newly issued Formal Opinion 515, a lawyer who is the victim of a crime by a client or prospective client may ...
But then you're giving it to people who, by definition, didn't earn it — because you're not really earning somebody's money just by outliving them." Dr Stokes argues that there are ethical ...