Written and directed by Mike Jones and produced by Jaclyn Simon, Pixar Animation Studios’ hilarious, mockumentary-style series streams exclusively on Disney+ beginning Dec. 11, 2024 (Disney ...
Disney has cut a trans storyline from Pixar's Win or Lose This isn't the first time it's cut LGBTQIA+ themed stories Many brands have been subject to huge pile-ons for inclusivity If you're ...
Or do they? I'm not sure it's that simple. Disney was in the news last week after the company yanked a transgender storyline from an upcoming Pixar animated series, "Win or Lose." The series ...
Fearing a backlash from parents, Disney has cut a transgender storyline from Pixar’s upcoming original animated sports series Win or Lose, a show about a co-ed middle school softball team.
A transgender storyline has been cut from an upcoming Pixar TV series, a Disney spokesperson has confirmed. Pixar original animated series ‘Win or Lose’ is set to be released in February on ...