The Repair Cafe, an event during which volunteers help make all possible repairs of various items for free, is coming to ...
The XR market is starting to flourish. There are already a handful of XR devices on the market from companies such as Meta, ...
Here's how and where to get rid of your old electronics, and in some cases, you can even get store credit for recycling them.
A new Dáil deputy accused the Oireachtas of a 'disregard for the dignity' of his position in a furious email over the state of an office offered to him in ...
In his introduction he defines delights as “small daily wonders.” Some titles: “Squirrel in a Pumpkin,” “Unusual Mailbox,” ...
In this day and age, just about everybody owns a cell phone and most also have a computer. Well, if you use them in your ...
If you do bring your phone into the bathroom, though, doctors warn not to spend too much time — more than 10 minutes — ...
A PARALYSED man can pick up items and move objects once again thanks to a robotic arm controlled entirely with his mind. The ...
Robots, automation, artificial intelligence, and people power – Computer Weekly tours the tech-heavy Amazon warehouse in Swindon ...