Thousands of bufo toads, also known as cane toads or giant marine toads, are currently breeding in Florida, raising concerns among residents. Originally introduced in the 1930s to eat pests on ...
The toad portrayed in Kenneth Grahame’s The Wind in the Willows is a far cry from the real Mr Bufo bufo, the common toad, although it is ironic that Mr Toad’s reckless addiction to automobiles is one ...
The cane toad — also known as the marine toad, giant toad or bufo toad — is a large toad with warty and brown mottled skin. This toad is native to South America, but it is also found in south ...
Tony Armstrong discusses why cane toads are considered an invasive species in Australia. In this video, he visits a group of ...
He was much better pest control than a whole shed full of chemicals. George Orwell shared my love of the common toad (Bufo bufo). In the year I was born — 1946 — Orwell wrote an essay for the ...
Generally, common toads (Bufo bufo) are widespread in mainland Britain. They inhabit damp areas of deciduous woodland, scrub, gardens, parks and fields. During the breeding season they live in ...
Two species of frog and two toads are native to the UK. So-called common frogs (Rana temporaria) and common toads (Bufo bufo) are widespread and often spotted in gardens. But sightings of these ...
DESCRIPTION: The Yosemite toad is a small to medium-sized toad (two to three inches long) with exceptionally smooth skin. Males and females look nothing alike: the females are larger, with a ...
DESCRIPTION: The Amargosa toad has a warty back with a light, mid-dorsal stripe and black speckling on a background ranging widely in color from buff to olive. Its underside is whitish with scattered ...