Pesquisas de opinião que mostram a queda de popularidade do presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva complicam os esforços do ...
Economic indicators are pointing toward a record harvest in Brazil this year, welcome relief for consumers grappling with ...
Os indicadores econômicos já apontam para uma colheita recorde no Brasil este ano, um alívio bem-vindo para os consumidores ...
Rumores em torno de uma eventual ida de Fernando Haddad do Ministério da Fazenda para a Casa Civil no lugar de Rui Costa ...
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has chosen the head of his Workers Party, Gleisi Hoffmann, to serve as ...
Japan's Princess Kako, a niece of Emperor Naruhito, will travel to Brazil in early June to promote ties between the two ...
Lula attended the first meeting of the sherpas under Brazil's presidency. The bloc, comprises 11 countries and is led by ...
Nísia Trindade will be succeeded by Alexandre Rocha Santos Padilha, the current Minister of Institutional Relations and ...
President Lula has chosen Federal Representative Gleisi Hoffmann to take over the department tasked with his political ...
Data from the Arbovirus Monitoring Panel reveal that, in 2025, Brazil has reported 401,408 probable dengue cases, 160 ...