President Subianto's ambitious plan of health checks for all is one of Indonesia's biggest ever health initiatives, but not everyone is convinced it will have the desired effect. Chris McCall reports., Jakarta PPT merupakan singkatan dari PowerPoint, yaitu sebuah program aplikasi presentasi yang dikembangkan oleh Microsoft. PowerPoint menjadi bagian dari paket aplikasi Microsoft Office ...
YOGYAKARTA, Indonesia, Feb 20 (Reuters) - Thousands of students staged 'Dark Indonesia' protests in cities across the country on Thursday against budget cuts and other policies of President ...
Backgrounds in Avowed are selected when creating your character before starting the game, fleshing out the story of your created character before the events of the story. They add to the RPG ...
U.K. entertainment financier Goldfinch is making power moves in Southeast Asia’s largest market, inking a landmark joint venture to launch Goldfinch Indonesia. The deal, unveiled in Jakarta ...
MAHASISWA, bagian Gen Z yang lahir pada tahun 1997 hingga 2012, generasi yang selama ini dipandang apatis isu politik, kini mulai gelisah, menggeliat, dan merespons terhadap situasi lewat gaya ...
depicted against a black background emblazoned with the hashtag #IndonesiaGelap, known as the Black Garuda. The protesters claim that Indonesia is not progressing towards its Indonesia Emas ...
JAKARTA, - Presiden Prabowo Subianto mengeklaim bahwa kondisi perekonomian RI pada saat ini cukup baik. Hal itu berdasarkan laporan para menteri perekonomian saat rapat kabinet terbatas di ...
Indonesian Navy Chief of Staff Admiral Muhammad Ali during a press statement in the 5th Multilateral Naval Exercise Komodo 2025 (MNEK) in Tanjung Benoa Waters, Bali, on Sunday (February 16, 2025).
Sejak Indonesia menyatakan merdeka pada 17 Agustus 1945, jumlah provinsi di Indonesia terus mengalami pemekaran. Saat ini, jumlah provinsi di Indonesia ada 38 yang tersebar dari Sabang sampai Merauke.
In Indonesia, Valentine’s Day has always caused controversy, with some choosing to ignore the essentially Western tradition and others openly calling for a boycott of the festivities.