Pennsylvania will need to spend $2 billion over the next five years to cover its expanded Medicaid program. And while lawmakers are worried about finding the money to foot the bill, the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services insists that doing so will lower costs in the long run.
The House passed a bill that cuts Medicaid. And yes, this will absolutely affect our disabled children. Fewer services, longer waitlists, more parents forced to fight tooth and nail for the bare minimum.
Pennsylvania medical providers joined Democrat state Rep. Arvind Venkat Wednesday to raise concern about potential federal Medicaid cuts.
Many fear the $880 billion cut to Medicaid would shred the safety net that protects more than 3 million Pennsylvanians, mostly seniors and children.
State DHS officials say new weight-loss drugs are driving up costs for Pennsylvania’s Medicaid program, likely leading to more than $1 billion in new costs this year.
Bresnahan and two other Pennsylvania Republicans won in November by some of the smallest margins in all of Congress, prevailing in a critical battleground state that not only helped decide the presidency but also aided the GOP in taking control of the U.S. House.
Jennifer Partyka’s son was severely anemic and underweight as a result of Crohn’s disease before he began receiving treatments that dramatically changed his life. As the operations manager for a small nonprofit without employer-provided health insurance,
Nearly a quarter of Pennsylvanians are on Medicaid, the joint federal-state program that covers medical costs for poor people along with nursing home and personal care home expenses. If Republicans on Capitol Hill target Medicaid as they seek to slash federal spending by $2 trillion and enact $4.
The House of Representatives narrowly passed a budget resolution, which Malliotakis voted in favor of, late last month.
Medicaid expenses are split between states and the federal government. In Pennsylvania, the federal government pays for 56% of Medicaid costs. The commonwealth picks up the other 44% of the bill (this ratio is different for every state and changes year to year).
According to the Kaiser Family Foundation's (KFF) Enrollment and Unwinding Tracker, Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) enrollment in Pennsylvania fell from 3.7 million to 3.1 million between March 2023 and October 2024.
A new report from a nonprofit group says Medicaid renewal rules caused first drop in child enrollment since 2013.