Screenshots shared online by users of the popular AI companion platform Charaacter.AI show conversations with the site's AI-powered chatbot characters devolving into bizarre gibberish, complete with the melding of several different languages — and the occasional mention of sex toys.
Google CEO Sundar Pichai recently announced that OpenAI has surpassed ChatGPT's capabilities and is doubling down on AI with an ambitious target of 500 million users by year end. Stock Strategist Andrew Rocco provides the details.
Tired of trailing OpenAI, Chief Executive Sundar Pichai wants his Gemini chatbot to be used by 500 million people.
Google's CEO Sundar Pichai is confident that the company's Gemini AI technology is the best in the market. His next goal is to convince consumers to use it. Pichai has expressed his intention to have the chatbot,
Google CEO Sundar Pichai told employees recently that he believes the company’s Gemini AI technology has surpassed the capabilities of rivals
Instead of ignoring artificial intelligence, make this the year you embrace this powerful tool. It’s easier and more helpful than you think.
Sundar Pichai, Google’s chief executive, recently told employees he believes the company’s Gemini AI technology has surpassed the capabilities of competitors. Google’s chief executive thinks his company has the best artificial-intelligence technology on the market. Now he has to get consumers to care.
The spy agency is trying to give its teams better tools and make it easier for the private sector to develop technology for their secretive work.
What happens when the world's richest man introduces a new AI tool that some users say has a satanic symbol? When asked why its new logo resembles a broken cross, the Grok chatbot told CP Thursday the symbol can be viewed as a "design choice" that symbolizes "non-conformity" and "rebellion against dogma.
Chatbot is a computer program that’s designed to emulate human conversation and converse with human users. Learn more here.
As Google Maps turns 20, it's mapping more countries and rolling out generative AI capabilities to keep dominance as the world's top navigation app.