Brazil's Carnival muse this year isn't one of the divas or drum queens parading with the Rio de Janeiro samba schools but rather Fernanda Torres, who is competing for the Best Actress Oscar on Sunday.
HOLD FOR 10 AM EST, SUNDAY MARCH 2 Brazil's Carnival muse this year isn't one of the divas or drum queens parading with the Rio de Janeiro samba schools. It's Fernanda Torres, who's competing for the best actress Oscar on Sunday.
Starring Fernanda Torres and centring on a family torn apart by Brazil's military dictatorship, I'm Still Here is up for three major awards – and could pull off an upset on the night.
I’m Still Here,” a film about a family torn apart by the military dictatorship that ruled Brazil for more than two decades, gave Brazil's first Oscars win on Sunday in the best international film category.
Fernanda Torres delivers 'phenomenal' performance as mother whose life is shattered by violence in the Oscar-nominated drama
Brazil has won its first Oscar for international feature for I'm Still Here, the story of a family broken apart amid a dictatorship. Notably, the feature edged out France's Emilia Pérez, which took home multiple Oscars earlier in the evening.
A reveler dressed as Oscar-nominated actress Fernanda Torres holds a cutout of an Instagram account of "The Academy" during a pre-Carnival lookalike event in Rio de Janeiro, Sunday, Feb. 23,
País teve noite memorável ao levar prêmio de Melhor Filme Internacional pela primeira vez com Ainda Estou Aqui
— Queria pedir ao Brasil para mandar só amor para (Mikey) Madison, porque ela é uma mulher muito legal — disse Fernanda ao terminar a entrevista. Antes, a brasileira já havia comentado que o filme de Sean Baker (vencedor de quatro estatuetas na cerimônia) é como se fosse um parente da produção brasileira, primeiro filme original Globoplay:
“Ainda Estou Aqui” venceu o Oscar de Melhor Filme Internacional. Um dia após a noite do Oscar 2025, nessa segunda-feira (3), Fernanda Torres prestou homenagem ao ex-deputado Rubens Paiva. Pelo Instagram, ela compartilhou uma montagem que exibia a estatueta do prêmio da Academia com a silhueta do político vazada.
A atriz Fernanda Torres, 59, revelou nesta segunda-feira (3) durante uma coletiva que antes do Oscar 2025, ela e o diretor de "Ainda Estou Aqui", Walter Salles, 68 brincavam sobre quem levaria a estat