More than 24,000 people were waiting for a cardiology appointment as of September 2024, a 252% increase on the number waiting ...
An artificial intelligence (AI) model can identify women at higher risk of heart disease based on electrocardiogram (ECG) ...
What’s most exciting in angina research right now? Angina is a symptom experienced when the blood vessels that supply the heart, the coronary arteries, narrow and not enough blood gets to the heart ...
A Royal Navy veteran who paid over £25,000 for heart surgery to avoid NHS delays is supporting our campaign to fix an “unprecedented crisis” in cardiovascular care. Photo: ABNM Photography Ex-weapons ...
“On the day of my stroke, I’d had a very busy day. I am a special educational needs coordinator and on the senior leadership team of a junior school in London. The job is full-on, and my wife Laura ...
Your arteries are a key part of your heart and circulatory system. They carry oxygen-rich blood from the heart to organs and tissues around the body. But if the walls of the arteries become damaged by ...
Lizzie Moscardini, RevivR Programme Manager at the BHF said: “There are more than 30,000 out of hospital cardiac arrests in ...
Weight loss injections may lower the risk of having a cardiac arrest, heart attack or stroke, but increase the risk of drug-induced pancreatitis, according to a new study. Over the past few years, ...
Around half of people (51 per cent) who live with their partner said the fear of causing harm would make them reluctant to give cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if someone had a cardiac arrest in ...
It’s common to feel stressed when a doctor or nurse checks your blood pressure. This feeling of stress can temporarily increase your blood pressure – it’s known as ‘white coat syndrome’. Because of ...
Can you have a heart attack without knowing it? A ‘silent heart attack’ is a heart attack that has no symptoms. They’re often only diagnosed weeks, months or years afterwards, during a routine ...