Online students and alumni studying an Edinburgh Business School programme are able to access Coursera Career Academy free of charge during or after their studies. Students can supplement their ...
Scientists at Heriot-Watt University have been given the green light for a new project that aims to bring cost-effective connectivity to all. A multi-agency consortium that includes Heriot-Watt has ...
Find out how to apply More on this subject Share MSc Subsurface Energy Systems equips you with the knowledge and skills to manage geoenergy resources in a holistic, safe, and cost-effective manner. It ...
There will be a limited number of rooms on campus for Postgraduate students beginning in January. Please note that the number of rooms is finite and there is no guarantee that an application will be ...
College students make up a significant part of our student population, and use a variety of routes, including SWAP access courses, a HNC or HND, or even a portfolio development course. We happily ...
There are a number of schools programmes we currently work with. These programmes support regional collaboration between schools, colleges and universities to increase progression from schools to ...
Being a mature student isn't about age. It's about your educational journey. A mature student is someone who's been out of education for some time and who hasn't studied at university before. Normally ...
The cost of attending university can be overwhelming. To help with this we are offering the access to learning funding to students to help cover costs. We recognise that for some students the cost of ...
Some of the issues you face will be similar to other groups we support whilst others will be very particular to your own situation. No matter what your situation is we are here to help. In October ...
Care experienced applies to anyone who has been or is currently in care or from a looked after background at any stage of their life, no matter how short. This care may have been provided in one of ...
An estranged student is defined as a young person under the age of 25 at the start of their Heriot-Watt programme who no longer has the support of their family. This might mean biological or adoptive ...
# As the public holiday falls on a Sunday or another public holiday, the next working day will be the public holiday in lieu.