ASU Health will be the latest addition to the Bioscience Core, which is also home to the University of Arizona College of ...
Campus Guardian Angel said the goal is to use a drone to subdue a potential active shooter and buy time for law enforcement ...
Kyle Roedler, a local father, made it his mission to help put an end to school violence through the use of modern technology.
This week, conversations surrounding school safety have shifted from school zone cameras to innovative technology being implemented on beach school buses aimed at protecting students.
Choose one of two pathways — Game Design or Creative Technology — and solve design problems by remixing software, hardware, art, and design in new and creative ways. You develop a sustainable process ...
Areas of practice include wearable technology, game design, new media art, digital fabrication, physical computing, interaction design, data visualization, and critical design. Cultivate your ...
Burlington County Institute of Technology School District contains 2 high schools. For personalized and effective admissions consulting,consider Get one-on-one advising on your ...
New York Institute of Technology is one of more than 800 institutions with graduate schools surveyed by U.S. News on an annual basis. New York Institute of Technology confers degrees through ...
House Bill 14, which will be heard in committee Wednesday morning, encourages schools to implement "wearable panic alarm" technology. The system, already in use at Meade County Schools ...
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (WAND) — State lawmakers are considering legislation this spring to help guide use of artificial intelligence in schools. Teachers and lawmakers believe there is an urgent need ...