Saviez-vous que le pasteur Martin Luther King et l’actrice Julia Roberts étaient unis par des liens forts ? France 2 revient sur leur histoire.
Le 28 août 1963, Martin Luther King marchait sur Washington Le 28 août 1963, 5 ans avant son assassinat, Martin Luther King mène la marche contre les discriminations raciales à Washington.
Art Broady’s free presentation, "The Dream … We Almost Never Heard," will be at noon Sunday, March 16, at First ...
The preacher and civil rights activist tells us that we can all live and work together to make society a better place.
The author discusses Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" speech and the need to fight for justice for every American.
As a college president who is passionate about expanding access to education, I don’t have all the answers right now. But I ...
BIRMINGHAM, AL (WBMA) — Dr. Martin ... justice. King’s leadership was integral to the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, where he delivered his famous "I Have a Dream" speech.
Martin had a dream about America living up to its ... In fact, America seems to have made Martin Luther King a major part of their whole sales pitch and the entire month of February is pretty ...