The Day abstract machine, has one tick action. Day is like an enumerated type in Pascal or Ada; its set of states is just the days of the week: ...
These lambda-expressions have two special properties that make them suitable for use directly as operators in a graph reduction machine. Firstly, they have no free variables and so are "pure code", ...
One method for producing verified implementations of programming languages is to formally derive them from abstract machines. Tail recursive abstract machines provide efficient support for iterative ...
This tutorial demystifies one of the most important yet poorly understood aspects of logic programming, the Warren Abstract Machine or WAM. The author's step-by-step construction of the WAM adds ...
should be thought of as (abstract) machines in the same way that there are (concrete) machines in the natural sciences. If this is correct, then many epistemological and ontological issues in the ...
Abstract Machines creates a platform to connect and manage devices and applications across the cloud and edge with ease. Fine-grained access control with a sophisticated policy and identity management ...